canvas is the signature material of this replica LV Escale Onthego GM M45120 Blue tote bag. The design of this bag is inspired by the traditional Shibori technique of knotting and folding fabric before dyeing it. giving it a vibrant and beach-like feel for the summer season.
This spacious tote bag measures 41.0 x 34.0 x 19.0 cm. making it large enough to carry all your everyday essentials. It is designed with convenience in mind. featuring both top handles and shoulder straps for versatile carrying options. The two Toron top handles allow for easy hand or elbow carry. while the two long leather shoulder straps provide a drop length of 28 cm (11 inches) for comfortable shoulder carry.
The bag is made with high-quality materials. including a monogram coated canvas exterior and cowhide-leather trim. The interior is lined with durable textile fabric. ensuring longevity and protection for your belongings. The silver-color hardware adds a touch of sophistication to the overall design.
Inside the bag. you'll find practical storage options. There is a flat zipped pocket for keeping small items secure and easily accessible. Additionally. there is a double pocket for added organization.
Overall. this replica LV Escale Onthego GM bag combines style. practicality. and luxury. With its colorful design and spacious interior. it is a perfect everyday bag that will elevate any outfit..
The Replica Lv Escale Onthego Gm M45120 Blue is a large and stylish tote bag inspired by the ancient Japanese Shibori technique, featuring vibrant colors and multiple carrying options.
Replica Lv Escale Onthego Gm M45120 Blue
Customer Reviews
canvas is the signature material of this replica LV Escale Onthego GM M45120 Blue tote bag. The design of this bag is inspired by the traditional Shibori technique of knotting and folding fabric before dyeing it. giving it a vibrant and beach-like feel for the summer season.
This spacious tote bag measures 41.0 x 34.0 x 19.0 cm. making it large enough to carry all your everyday essentials. It is designed with convenience in mind. featuring both top handles and shoulder straps for versatile carrying options. The two Toron top handles allow for easy hand or elbow carry. while the two long leather shoulder straps provide a drop length of 28 cm (11 inches) for comfortable shoulder carry.
The bag is made with high-quality materials. including a monogram coated canvas exterior and cowhide-leather trim. The interior is lined with durable textile fabric. ensuring longevity and protection for your belongings. The silver-color hardware adds a touch of sophistication to the overall design.
Inside the bag. you'll find practical storage options. There is a flat zipped pocket for keeping small items secure and easily accessible. Additionally. there is a double pocket for added organization.
Overall. this replica LV Escale Onthego GM bag combines style. practicality. and luxury. With its colorful design and spacious interior. it is a perfect everyday bag that will elevate any outfit..