Introducing the Replica Louis Vuitton Montaigne Mm-M41048 in Black. a stunning handbag that combines elegance with functionality. Named after the famous Parisian avenue. this bag is crafted from high-quality Monogram Empreinte leather. showcasing a timeless appeal that is sure to elevate any outfit.
Designed to be both stylish and practical. the Montaigne MM-M41048 offers a well-organized interior with multiple compartments and pockets. It features a central zippered compartment with a padlock. two spacious compartments. a double smartphone pocket. and a flat pocket. This makes it the perfect choice for those who need ample space for their business essentials.
Not only is this bag spacious. but it also exudes sophistication. The supple grained cowhide-leather trim and textile lining perfectly complement the gold-color hardware. creating a refined and polished look. The bag can be carried in multiple ways. thanks to the two top handles and a removable shoulder strap. The leather loop on the handles and the key bell add an extra touch of charm.
Durability is also a key feature of the Montaigne MM-M41048. It is equipped with four protective metal bottom studs that offer stability and protection for the bag.
This bag is the epitome of French chic. bearing the name of the most elegant avenue in Paris. Whether you're heading to the office or a social gathering. the Montaigne MM-M41048 is designed to make a statement. Treat yourself to luxury and style by ordering this exquisite Louis Vuitton handbag today.
Detailed Features
- Dimensions: 13.0x 9.1x 5.9 inches (Lengthx Heightx Width)
- Color: Black
- Material: Monogram Empreinte embossed supple grained cowhide leather and supple grained cowhide leather
- Trim: Supple grained cowhide leather
- Lining: Textile lining
- Hardware: Gold-color
- Carrying options: 2 handles for hand or elbow carry. removable strap (drop: 35 cm/13.7 inches) for shoulder carry
- Features: Leather loop on handles. key bell. hook to secure belongings
- Interior: Central zipped compartment with padlock. 2 wide compartments. double smartphone pocket. flat pocket
- Protection: 4 protective metal bottom studs
Shop now to experience the ultimate luxury and style offered by the Louis Vuitton Montaigne MM-M41048.
Ian (verified owner) –
The Cute Minnie bag charm and key holder makes it possible to add an animal companion to any accessory.
Maddox (verified owner) –
I get so many compliments on my LV designer bag! It's the perfect mix of style and functionality.
Maddox (verified owner) –
I get so many compliments on my LV designer bag! It's the perfect mix of style and functionality.